what can you imagine

who we are

ANGELICA PAGE is an award winning actress, writer and producer who has been studying entheogenics for 25 years. She is also a chef trained at Le Cordon Bleu in Paris and in Temple Cooking at the Tassajara Zen Monestary, a certified Shadow Coach practitioner of NeuroAffective Touch therapy and a level 2 Angelic Clearing Master. She is devoted to creating environments where others can experience their own capacity for sacred quantum healing. She lives in Mexico where she studied with Maria Matus as a child, and now serves as bridge between western seekers and local medicine wisdom via indigenous curandera/os.

TAHNYA MELISSA is a shaman of the Comcáac Seri tribe lineage and stewards the indigenous coastal land off Tiburon Island in Sonora, Mexico. She is a descendant of the Star People and has vast knowledge of her people's Earth medicines.
 Her mission on earth is the awakening of humanity, and she welcomes all to the Comcáac Nation, Indian land, virgin and sacred. The place of origin of ancient medicines that expand your consciousness and open your heart, thus connecting you with the love of the creative universe... feel the call.